Some time ago i received a very interesting ''chain mail'' from a friend of mine concerning a public statement of Eugenios Trivizas who is sociologist and professor of criminology in the university of Reading. He is analysing the term P.I.I.G.S. (meaning Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) that the north people use in economics for the south countries.
First the original statement and bellow, an english (free and dirty) translation.
O χαρακτηρισμός των Ελλήνων ως απατεώνων, προδοτών και άλλων τινών δεν είναι παρά μία ακόμα περίπτωση του κοινωνιολογικού φαινομένου της επικλήσεως αρνητικών εθνικών στερεοτύπων σε περιπτώσεις κρίσεων. Αντί να κρίνονται και να κατακρίνονται αποφάσεις ή ενέργειες συγκεκριμένων ατόμων, στιγματίζεται συλλήβδην έναs ολόκληρoς λαός. Το πιο επικίνδυνο στερεότυπο είναι η αμφισβήτηση της ανθρώπινης φύσης φυλών και εθνών.
Το αρκτικόλεξο «ΡΙGS»(*) (ΓΟΥΡΟΥΝΙΑ), το οποίο χρησιμοποιούν Δυτικοευρωπαίοι και Αγγλοσάξονες επενδυτές και σχολιαστές, ως συνοπτικό τρόπο αναφοράς στους λαούς της Νότιας Ευρώπης και τις οικονομίες τους, δεν είναι μόνο μια κακόγουστη προσβολή. Είναι μια σύγχρονη εκδοχή του ιστορικού φαινομένου της αμφισβήτησης της ανθρώπινης φύσης του συνανθρώπου, της διαδικασίας κατά την οποία μέλη μιας εθνικής ομάδας υποβιβάζουν τα μέλη μιας άλλης στο επίπεδο των ζώων, μεταδίδοντας έμμεσα το μήνυμα ότι είναι άξια να τύχουν παρόμοια με αυτά μεταχείρισης.
Αν και ορισμένα έντυπα, όπως οι «Financial Τimes», και τράπεζες, όπως η Βarclays, κατόπιν καταγγελιών, όπως εκείνη του Πορτογάλου υπουργού Οικονομικών, απαγόρευσαν τη χρήση του, ο όρος κινδυνεύει να καθιερωθεί. Όσοι εξακολουθούν να τον χρησιμοποιούν δεν αντιλαμβάνονται τη σοβαρότητα μιας τέτοιας πρακτικής. Λησμονούν ότι παρόμοιες μειωτικές εκφράσεις είχαν χρησιμοποιηθεί συστηματικά κατά το παρελθόν για να απευαισθητοποιήσουν την κοινή γνώμη, να αναστείλουν τυχόν ενδοιασμούς, να απενεργοποιήσουν τη συναισθηματική ταύτιση και να διευκολύνουν διωγμούς, σφαγές, ακόμα και γενοκτονίες.
Της γενοκτονίας της Ρουάντας για παράδειγμα είχε προηγηθεί μια κυβερνητικά συντονισμένη εκστρατεία λεκτικής «αποκτήνωσης» των θυμάτων και κατά τη διάρκεια του Παγκοσμίου Πόλεμου η ιαπωνική προπαγάνδα είχε χρησιμοποιήσει την ίδια μέθοδο εναντίον των Αμερικανών. Η πιο ακραία, βέβαια περίπτωση, ήταν εκείνη του Τρίτου Ράιχ. Ένα από τα σκευάσματα που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για τη γενοκτονία των Εβραίων στα στρατόπεδα συγκεντρώσεως, ήταν το παρασιτοκτόνο Ζyclon Β. Πολύ πριν, όμως, οι κρατούμενοι εξοντωθούν με παρασιτοκτόνα, είχε προηγηθεί η απομείωση της ανθρώπινης φύσης τους από τον ναζιστικό μηχανισμό προπαγάνδας.
Εκφράσεις όπως «αρουραίοι», «μολυσματικά ζωύφια» είχαν χρησιμοποιηθεί συστηματικά για τον χαρακτηρισμό τους. Και φυσικά όταν εκλαμβάνεις τους αντιπάλους σου όχι ως ανθρώπους αλλά ως κτήνη ή παράσιτα, δεν έχεις και πολλούς ενδοιασμούς για να τους εξοντώσεις προκειμένου να ανακυκλώσεις τις τρίχες ή το λίπος τους. Η λεκτική «αποκτηνωτική» βία αποτελεί συχνά τον προθάλαμο πραγματικής και όχι μόνο στη διεθνή σκηνή.
Σε έρευνά μου για τα εγκλήματα του όχλου είχα κάνει διάκριση μεταξύ δύο κατηγοριών υβριστικών εκφράσεων, εκείνων οι οποίοι αρνούνται τον ανδρισμό του αντιπάλου και εκείνων οι οποίοι αρνούνται την ανθρώπινη φύση του και είχα διαπιστώσει ότι η πρώτη ανοίγει τον δρόμο σε ριτουαλιστική και η δεύτερη σε πραγματική βία. Οι τραγικές συνέπειες της λεκτικής «αποκτήνωσης» είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο οι ανθρωπολόγοι Μontagu και Μatson θεωρούν ότι οι διαδικασίες άρνησης της ανθρώπινης υπόστασης συνανθρώπων είναι «ο πέμπτος καβαλάρης της Αποκαλύψεως» . Θα ήταν υπερβολικό, βέβαια, να ισχυριστεί κανείς ότι οι χρήστες του όρου «ΡΙGS» προετοιμάζουν το έδαφος για την οικονομική κατακρεούργηση των άσωτων «γουρουνιών» του Νότου.
Είναι όμως απορίας άξιο το ότι πολιτισμένοι άνθρωποι φτάνουν στο σημείο να διαδίδουν μειωτικές εκφράσεις που τόσα δεινά έχουν προκαλέσει κατά το παρελθόν. Όταν δεν αντιμετωπίζουμε τους άλλους ως άτομα, αλλά ως εκπροσώπους στερεοτύπων, όταν μία εθνότητα θεωρείται ότι ενσαρκώνει το έντιμο και το ηθικό και ο αντίπαλος το δόλιο και το ανήθικο, τότε ανοίγει διάπλατα ο δρόμος για κάθε λογής βαρβαρότητα. Ούτε οι Νότιοι είναι «γουρούνια», ούτε οι Έλληνες είναι εκ γενετής απατεώνες, ούτε οι Γερμανοί επιρρεπείς σε γενοκτονίες.
Το καλό και το κακό ενυπάρχει στον καθένα και το δεύτερο μπορεί εύκολα να πυροδοτηθεί από λεκτικές κοινωνικές διαδράσεις. Ας ελπίσουμε ότι ο «πέμπτος καβαλάρης της Αποκαλύψεως», προτού συνεχίσει τη νέα του επέλαση, θα σκοντάψει στους βράχους της λογικής και της κοινής μας ανθρωπιάς.
Ευγένιος Τριβιζάς
Characterizing Greeks as thieves, traitors and other names, its nothing but one more case of the sociologic phenomenon of invocating negative nationwide stereotypes in critical periods. Instead of criticizing and blaming decisions and actions of certain people, a whole nation is stigmatized. The most dangerous stereotype is the one of doubting the human nature of races and nations.
The abbreviation ´´P.I.I.G.S.´´ (pigs), that the western Europeans and Anglo-Saxon investors are using in order to refer to the people of south Europe and their economies, is not only a bad offence. its also a modern version of the historical phenomenon of the procedure that members of a national identity, abase the members of another lowering to the level of animals and indirectly meaning that they are worthy of similar treatment.
Even though some journals like ´´Financial Τimes´´ and banks like Barclays, after complaints, such as the one of the Portuguese minister of economy, they forebode its use; the term is about to canonized. Whoever still uses it, neglects the seriousness of such a habit. They forget that similar phrases have been used systematically in the past in order to desensitize the public awareness, to suspend any concerns and to disable empathy for making persecutions, massacres and even genocides look different.
During the genocide in Rouanda, for example, there had been a concerted government campaign of verbal "animalization" of the victims and during the WW2, the Japanese propaganda has been using the same method versus the Americans. The most extreme ocassion ofcourse, was the one of the 3rd Raich. The nazis used the anti-paracite gass Zyclon B for the genocide of the Jews in the concentration camps. But before there was happening a systematic impairment of human nature by the nazi propaganda.
Expressions like ‘’rats’’ and ‘’infectuous bugs’’, have been used for their characterisation. So when you consider you enemies as animals or parasites, and not as humans, you dont have big concerns about killing them. The verbal animalisation is very often the prologue for real violence.
During my research about mob crimes, i ve done the distintion between two categories of abusive language, to those who deny the opponents manhood and those who deny the human nature and I realised that the first leads to ritualistic violence, but the second to the real one. The tragic concequences of the verbal animalisation is the reason that the anthropologists Montagu and Matson believe that the refusal of the fellow human existence is ‘’the fifth rider of the apocalypse’’. Maybe we would exagerate by saying the the users of the term ‘’PIGS’’ prepare for the economic massacre of the prodigal ‘’pigs’’ of the south.
But its still unbelievable that civilized people spread disparaging expressions which have caused so much suffering in the past. When we dont deal with others as indivinduals but as representative stereotypes, when a nation is supposed to represent the honesty and morality while the opponent is the fraudulent and unethical, then every way leads to brutality. Neither the South are pigs, nor the Greeks are cheaters since they were born, nor the Germans are prone to genocides.
Good and Evil coexists to everybody, and Evil can be easily promoted by verbal social interactions. Lets hope that the ‘’fifth ryder of the Apocalypse’’ before continuing his new march, he will stumble on the solid reason and our common humanity.
Evgenios Trivizas
Thursday, December 16, 2010
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Negative stereotypes have never solved troubles. I totally disagree with the "PIIGS" sufix.
Although I found a commun factor between those countries that may have lead to an economical crisis.
The last time that I visited Spain, one time more, I was in a soort of cultural-economical chock!
I couldn't undernstand how someone could spend more than 20 euros per day in only food, plus beer, wine, etc etc etc.
I think there is a misunderstanding between "quality life" and " to show that I have or I do the most expensive things".
In general I observed that people from these countries do that. They do expend a lot of money in innecesary things, they have not savings in general.
bij MM
Dear MM,
As a Dutchman you are, you may not have realized that you have raised (even if you have never been one) as a Protestant.
Protestantism since the beginning of its dutch branch (Calvinism) was laying its main concepts on the fact that mortal life on earth is nothing but a punishment for humans. All people have to live their lives accepting that they are sinners. Therefore they have to work very hard, just saving money (and giving it to the church and the Queen), banishing any desire for joy...and all that just to prove that there may be a place in heaven.
I dont say in any way that you behave like in the 1500 during Calvin's times...but you have deep in your conscience that if I buy an expensive watch (for example), for you immediately is WRONG (sin!)!
WRONG WRONG and again WRONG is the unthinkable consuming (the American way especially) there is no deny...But please remember that you owe your wealth and your development on our consumerism. If we stop stop spending, your great enterprises will fall...;) You aleady see some problems already.
That is why we have crises...there is a big cultural gap. You like saving money, we dont live for working. 20 euros that you saw, is 4 beers in sure you drink more per day in the Netherlands.
You can blame the greek people for sustaining such a rotten political system, but its not their fault the fact that a monetary system that starts failing even in the ''strong and robust'' economies created a world under depth.
We can continue the conversation for ever. Lets say that hopefully the ''developed'' countries will stop caring only for profit, and that the rest of the world will make the step a new and more sustainable way of living. Not for the sake of the economy, but for the sake of earth...
I do not think that consuming is a sin but consuming without having savings! this is sin!!
I believe that we must join live at the time that you do not spend 98% of the salary.
Of course NL is going to be affected is Greece reach deep the crisis! Where are we going in zomer holiday!!?? I actually think that we invest on you (tourist) rather that you on us(I have not seen any forein admiring the nice plateu of NL with flat mountains or the cold nice see :S )
But from an econical point of view (actually now in the news), Why NL would lend money to Greece if we are not sure that 100% of this it will retour home? Well, It is needed an equilibrium between consuming-enjoying and making it sustaintable!. Then, You will not be seen as consuming consuming.
tot * bij MM
Consuming without savings was the model for the peripheral states of the european union. However, the center (that would be Germany, NL, France and Scandinavia) have a great advantange from the huge consumption of those countries (Profit!) and the not savings (even more profit!) cause they would sell cars and industrial goods as well as giving credit and loans!
My opinion is that i wouldnt like NL or any other country lent any more money to greece. For many reasons. Mostly because the same money are not going to the people to have ''good'' life and buy nice clothes or have expensive drinks, but rather that they go for air-fighters and weapons and submarines to defend the borders from a country (Turkey) that if european union would arrange to guarantee for our borders we wouldnt have to spend 15% of our GDP!! Its just like a cold war there!! I guess nobody has idea that Mercel's condition for a new loan was that no matter what cuts the gonverment will do, Greece would have to keep on buying weapons from Germany, France and US. Secondly, I wouldnt like to have all those corrupted multinationals having most of those money for building useless infrastruction, neither the banks that gumble with the same money against the survival of Greece!
These loans, will only make you richer, because im sure that you have no idea that the loan interest is 6 and 7%!!! So for the next century (at least) the central european countries will have a wonderfull yearly budget that will exceed the value of the loan for sure.
In fact they know so well that Greece cannot pay those loans (otherwise they wouldnt lent money!!!) that those countries (and companies!) are waiting for the right moment to buy all the infrastructure and even whole islands for nothing!!! So you will have to pay much more for your holidays in Greece in the near future dear friend!!
Please dont missunderstand my tone and my itentions, I mean not to be offensive, but most of the people in the EU ''strong'' countries are completely ignorant of what is really hapening around them. Believe me, I was living in the NL and i can tell, your news are paethetic and many times they reach the level of lie and propaganda!! I mean nobody serious can believe that a country can colapse only because the people get retirement earlier!!! Seriously!! Thats just a joke!
Please keep in touch, I could give you a lot of info about the situation in Greece, in EU but also how the global crisis is affecting each one of us no matter where we live!
well, I will continue reading your post. I can;t do to much reading greek translation in you tube.
I have hear about the loan interest coming back later on. what it is a pitty is in the news, economical crisis has past to a second topic. I have not heard about it,no even in CNN or dutch news. I am sure that the problem will be not solve just with a loan, much have to be done.
I can;t talk to much...back to my tesis.
and don't worry, there is nothing that can sound rude to a dutch men, we are hard-heads enought.
Nice to have some good discussions....
doei x MM
nice to hear so dude! once again i need to say that my intention is to stimulate discussion and a way to open our minds and not to offend anybody...
good luck with your thesis...en tot snel ;)
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